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人间正道 早睡早起

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    the o


    g is the ost o



    ce i

    the o

    ld i have bee




    g it fo


    ly 50 yea

    s f

    o that day i

    1974, i p

    acticed y skills i

    the theate






    i' ith the gods is becae the gods


    go to the bath

    oo i

    the o


    g, a



    do e f

    o the fi

    st day of p

    actice, ach ha


    ot let  go to the toilet, he

    the to hou

    s of p

    actice, a g

    eat seat, u


    e is

    ot, u


    e is f

    o the hai




    ly to bed a

    d ea

    ly to

    ise is the key to chi

    ese lo

    gevity! the fi

    st to get up t be the life as the su

    to se

    d out the

    e a

    e jobs, st

    eet clea


    s, b d


    s, lo





    s, a


    s these people do

    ot have uch o

    ey, but soe have health, soe have a happy state of i


    最早起床的竟是西安交大的一位教授,他今年76岁了,他带领全家每天430起床,全家学习外语,他的精神犹如阳光射穿我的心房。我也学他,每天把表铃上到530 ,大部分时间可以按时起来,我在公园里,办公室里,悄悄拉手风琴,几年下来,竟然学会了十首中外名曲。土耳其进行曲】便是拉了100遍!才有点起色。下一首流浪者之歌】也要练习100遍!也许可以流畅,不出错!

    the fi

    st pe


    to get up as a p



    o xi 'a


    g u


    sity he is 76 yea

    s old he leads his faily to get up at 430 eve

    y day to lea



    guages i also lea

    ed f

    o hi eve

    y day, i set y atch bell to 530, a

    d i uld get up o

    tie ost of the tie i pyed the ao


    quietly i

    the pa

    k a

    d office the tu

    kish a

    ch as pyed 100 ties! is getti

    g bette


    actice the

    ext "so

    g of the a



    " 100 ties too! aybe ooth,

    o istakes!



    people ho live the lo

    gest i


    a have a habit of goi

    g to bed ea

    ly a

    d getti

    g up ea

    ly o

    e of the gets a full body assage eve

    y o


    g! ove


    i tha

    k y childhood life ve

    y uch, 12 yea

    s old the


    ly go to bed ea

    ly get up ea

    ly, that yea

    , a teache

    say, baby ah, get up ea

    ly to pick up du

    g! at that tie, i did

    ot u



    d, o


    ally, cha

    g 'a



    s i

    the past, the age of ca

    iage, eve

    y o


    g is to pick up du

    g! yes, today, such a good society, life o


    ee, all the happi

    ess of the ties ca

    ot be desc

    ibed i


    ds, e have to go to bed ea

    ly a

    d get up ea

    ly! adhe

    e to the t


    al chi

    ese spi

    it, lo

    gevity ill be the



    do you a

    t to live a lo

    g life! you t! so ea

    ly to bed a

    d ea

    ly to



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